Science And Health

How To Massage Your Scars

Massaging your scars is important. It keeps the tissue around the incision loose so it doesn’t “stick” to the tissue underneath.

Wait until after your skin has healed before you start massaging your scar. Your skin will be healed when the edges of the scar are well closed with no gaps, and have no drainage. You can do the massages here for breast, chest, and armpit scars.

Scar Massage 101: Should I Massage My Scars?

Does massaging your scar help it heal? It just might! Learn how to do a scar massage, the benefits of a scar massage, and how to use a scar massage alongside other scar healing remedies (like silicone scar products) to help minimize your scars!

5 Ways Pregnancy Affects Your Skin

It’s no big secret that your body changes when you’re pregnant in a variety of ways, but how pregnancy affects your skin can sometimes take you by surprise.

4 Facts: When Can I Start Using Silicone Scar Products After My Surgery?

Whether you’ve earned your scars from a recent injury, or are triumphantly recovering from a surgery, chances are you’re now on the lookout for an effective scar treatment. But even once you find effective scar products, when exactly can you start using them?
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