Science And Health — Breast Surgery Scars

What Are The Most Common Surgical Scars? (And How to Treat Them)

Ever wondered how to heal surgical scars? Let's take a closer look at 3 of the most common surgeries that leave behind significant scarring— and how silicone scar products can help treat them.

The Features of Scars: What Causes Scar Discoloration, Raised Scars, & More

While some people cherish their scars as a reminder of their past, the majority of us don’t love the look that scar tissue brings to our appearance. Luckily, the appearance of scars naturally diminishes over time一 but there are also ways that you can speed up this process.

How does the Rejuvaskin Scar Treatment System work?

Silicone is by far the best way to get rid of scars. But how do scar products work? Let's take a look at our own Scar Management System to see why it's so effective.

Silicone Sheeting For Breast Surgery: Picking The Right Pair

Do you have breast surgery coming up? Perhaps you’ve recently undergone breast surgery and are looking for a breast surgery scars treatment that will help you reduce the appearance of your procedure’s natural scarring. Luckily, there are many options for treatment for breast augmentation incisions.