The Features of Scars: What Causes Scar Discoloration, Raised Scars, & More
Science And Health
October 21, 2023
December 17, 2023

key words: scar sheet silicone
Ever wondered how to heal surgical scars? Let's take a closer look at 3 of the most common surgeries that leave behind significant scarring— and how silicone scar products can help treat them.
Surgeries leave scars – it’s just a part of life. However, which surgeries are the most common and leave the biggest scars? In today’s post, we’re going to take a look at the surgeries that leave the biggest scars, and what you can do about them. We’ll also cover (not to give anything away!) how to heal a c-section scar, knee replacement recovery, and what mastectomy scars treatment looks like. Let’s dive right in.
Three Surgeries That Leave The Biggest & Most Difficult Scars
Ever wondered how to heal surgical scars? Let's take a closer look at 3 of the most common.
1. C-Sections
Babies are big, and there’s no way to get them out laparoscopically – so, if for whatever reason, you’re not having your baby vaginally, OB/GYN surgeons will sometimes create an opening that is just large enough for the baby’s head to fit through. Unfortunately, this space is pretty large – usually about four to six inches. Most planned c-sections are done using a “bikini cut” that will sit on your underwear line.
Some emergency c-sections will use a classic vertical incision, though – especially if you or your baby is in immediate danger. The vertical incision takes longer to heal and is more likely to scar poorly.
Related: Tips & Tricks for Healing Your C-Section Incision Properly
How To Heal A C-Section Scar
Silicone is the industry standard for reducing the appearance of scars right now. Silicone products help your scar maintain moisture while it’s going through its critical restructuring phase. Here at Scintera, we have Scar Fx Sheeting and Scar Heal Kits specifically cut and designed for c-section scars.
2. Knee Replacement Recovery
Knee replacements are a necessary part of life for some people, whether they were in an accident or simply have bad joints. Knee replacement incisions are large and vertical because your surgeon needs to be able to get large prosthetics into your knee cavity. This leaves some gnarly scarring, unfortunately. However, with silicone products, reducing those scars is quite simple.
Healing A Knee Replacement Scar
We offer a wide range of silicone sheeting sizes so that you can always have a sheet that fits. For knee replacements, we recommend you take a look at your scar and measure it before you order from us. However, the largest scar sheet can be cut down to size, if necessary. You may also want to consider our Silicone Compression Wrap for your knee, depending on how your surgical site is healing.
3. Mastectomy Procedures
Some mastectomy surgeries come with their own set of emotional trauma and difficulty (regardless of why you needed them), so minimizing your mastectomy scarring is completely warranted. Depending on the type of mastectomy you had done, you may have a variety of different types of scars. Most likely, there will be a straight incision, but sometimes, depending on how much tissue is removed, your surgeon might opt for a sideways “Y” shape.
Mastectomy Scars Treatment
Reducing the appearance of your mastectomy scars is the same process as other scars – caring for the incision properly and using the right size silicone sheet for as long as it takes to stop seeing improvement. Always measure before ordering.
Scintera's Scar Heal Kits
In each of our Scar Heal Kits, you’ll find everything you need to get started on your scar healing journey. Each kit contains Scar Fx silicone sheeting (which comes in a wide variety of sizes for you to tailor to your scar) and Scarsil silicone scar gel. While each of these products work great on their own to keep excess collagen production at bay, we recommend using these products together— which is why we created the Scar Heal Kit! Simply use the silicone scar sheets at night, and the silicone gel during the day for a flat, smooth scar!
Scars are the marks of life— and we can’t always plan for them. With surgical procedures, however, you do have the chance to get the right tools in place ahead of time to treat your scars. Our comprehensive line of silicone scar products is here to help you at every step along the way.