Science And Health

Everything You Need to Know About Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Eczema is a skin condition that causes the skin to be inflamed and itchy; there is also a rash in the affected area that can become irritated and flaky. Unfortunately, eczema is an extremely common ailment and can range from very severe to very mild in its effects. 

Eczema Remedies: Using Skin Recovery Cream For Your Flare-Ups

Funnily enough, our Skin Recovery Cream was developed for radiation burn relief. However, over the years, our customers (and we) have discovered that this product is also incredibly beneficial for individuals with eczema.

What Are The Types of Eczema?

If you’re one of nearly 32 million people around the world, you know the effects of eczema all too well. If you don’t have eczema, you may not be aware of that this skin condition can come in a variety of forms, and can sometimes even lead to other skin conditions.

5 Dangerous Effects of the Sun -

With summer on the horizon, more Australians are headed outdoors to soak up the sun. 
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