Ingredient Highlights
The Amazing 4 Ingredients Of Our Stretch Mark Cream
Despite what the world of social media and fashion might lead you to believe, stretch marks are completely normal. Anything from pregnancy to growth spurts can cause stretch marks to appear, and oftentimes they are a right of passage.
Uncovering Antioxidants And Their Crucial Role In Anti-Aging
Anti-aging products line the shelves of our local beauty and drug stores, many of which are plastered in labels claiming “antioxidant” ingredients. But what exactly are antioxidants and how do they help you fight back against the aging process?
Why Is Vitamin C Good For Your Skin?
Vitamin C is best known for being a go-to solution for common colds. That’s why when you get sick you’ve learned to grab a tall glass of OJ and fill it with a package of Emergen-C. Along with boosting your immune system, vitamin C has amazing benefits for your skin health.
8 Ingredients to Look For if You Have Sensitive Skin
If you have sensitive skin, chances are that you have been frustrated when trying a new skincare product resulted in the assumed irritation. It may be a while before you try anything new again for fear of the same reaction.
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