What Age Should I Start Using Anti-Aging Products?
December 7, 2022
We all want answers. One of them is the age at which we should start using anti-aging skin products to prevent or reduce wrinkles, lines, sagging, and dark circles. If you ask around, it seems there are many opinions out there. Some will swear that as soon as you hit your 20’s, you’ve passed your youthful peak and need to immediately begin applying products. Others will gawk at the thought of applying a skin serum at 20 and say it isn’t necessary to take action until your 30’s. We’re here to tell you that unfortunately, there is no magic age for anti-aging products. Everyone’s skin is different! There are some general guidelines however, on when people begin to use anti-aging products, but remember that it is up to you to decide when you feel comfortable adding in different products to your regimen.
How your skin ages, whether naturally (chronologically) or prematurely depends on numerous factors, and each person’s skin story will vary. You may have great genes and your skin won’t show signs of aging until later on. However, factors like smoking, poor diet, sun exposure, or illness can cause premature aging in the facial skin and can happen very early on. Your skin will also continue to age as the years pass, so many people opt to use anti-aging products as a form of prevention early on. Eye cream and skin serums are excellent anti-aging products that reduce wrinkles and fine lines on your face and under your eyes.
What time of day should I use my anti-aging products?
You may not have put much thought into what time of day is best for product application, but research shows that there are many benefits to using anti-aging products at night while your body rests. Who says you can’t be productive while you’re sleeping?
Ingried Wood, the author of Good Skin, states that, “According to our body clocks, different body cells are more active at different times of the day. Skin cells do their repair work most effectively at night. Research shows that skin cell regeneration almost doubles at night, peaking between 23:00 and 4:00. Production of collagen is boosted, harmful free radicals are destroyed and cell damage is rectified.”
Typically, your body temperature is higher while you’re asleep than during the day. The extra warmth helps skin to absorb the ingredients in the products applied more effectively. Since you’re most likely sleeping indoors and when the sun is down, your skin isn’t exposed to UV rays. UV rays, along with pollution can interfere with skin care products, which adds another reason to the list of why products should be applied before bed.
Whether you start your skincare regimen in the morning or at night, it is best to plan for consistency when it comes to anti-aging. Products work best when they’re applied regularly.
How do I use skin serum and eye cream?
Before you use a skin serum, wash your face and rinse well using tepid water. Leave your skin damp and gently massage in the serum using your fingertips. Serums are very concentrated so you will only need to use a small amount. Wait about five minutes and add your favorite moisturizer to your face. It shouldn’t leave any oily residue on your skin. Another trick when using serum is to apply a damp, warm face cloth to open pores for a few minute beforehand.
After you apply a moisturizer use the eye cream under and over your eyes. Again, you only need a small amount and should use your ring finger to massage it in. Apply in the morning and at night. Move in circles around the eye and don’t press too hard. Move from the outer to inner eye gently in circles. Gently apply to the eyelids, over the eye, and under for best results. The thin skin around your eyes tends to get dry and the extra moisture is much appreciated.
Which products should I use?
Rejuvaskin® produces two effective anti-aging products: Rejuvaskin® Eye Crème and Rejuvaskin® Advanced Skin Serum. Both have carefully chosen ingredients such as polypeptides, collagen, hyaluronic Acid, antioxidants and botanicals that help skin heal and look younger.
The bottom line is that anti-aging products are filled with beneficial ingredients to help, not harm, the skin. It isn’t unsafe to start early for precautionary purposes. Ultimately, anti-aging products should help people feel more confident and happy in their own skin. Think about your own skincare goals and what will work best for your skin type. Any time can be good time to start using anti-aging skin products to help you maintain youthful skin.