The most effective solution for treating your scars. Our Scar Heal Kits combine healthcare grade silicone sheeting & topical silicone gel to create the ideal healing environment for your scar, 24/7.

What Is A Scar Heal Kit?

The most effective solution for treating your scars. Our Scar Heal Kits combine healthcare grade silicone sheeting & topical silicone gel to create the ideal healing environment for your scar, 24/7.

The result? Flatter, smoother scarring.

Each kit comes with Scar Fx Silicone Scar Sheeting and RejûvaSil Silicone Scar Gel, designed to last you 30-45 days.

The Daily Regimen >

Use Scar Fx Sheeting over a clean, dry scar at night. while you sleep, for up to 12 hours.
Apply Rejuvasil silicone Gel 2-3x during the day to help retain moisture in the scar site.

Pick Your Kit Option
